2018 Trials Gala
Please note that we have been made aware that there is a club champs night at Harpenden SC on the 21st April. We did not know this. As it is unlikely that we can change the Trials gala date (the backup date was the 28th April where Harependen SC also have club champs), please enter as normal. For any Harpenden SC swimmer who will be swimming at their club champs on the 21st April and were intending to enter the trials gala please contact me at [email protected]. Thankyou.
The 2018 Trials Gala is to be held at the St Albans High School for Girls pool on Saturday, 21st April, 2018 at 7.00pm (Warmup 7.00pm with Start at 7.20pm)
The trials gala is open to children attending primary school within the St Albans District boundary. If you need to check whether your school is within the boundary then refer to the page on the side menu St Albans District Schools.
The gala is used as a basis for selecting the St Albans District team to compete in the Hertfordshire Inter-District Primary Schools Championships on 11th May, 2018 at Watford Woodside.
St Albans won the event in 2017 and was the 4th win in 7 years.
An ASA level 4 license for the gala has been applied for. For those submitting an ASA number on their entry, their times will be submitted to the ASA for publication on the Rankings database.
Acceptance Criteria for entries, Promoters Conditions, Schedule of Events
The deadline for entries is Wednesday 18th April, 2018. Due to the limited capacity of the St Albans High School for Girls pool, StASSA may need to close the entries early . Therefore, please enter as soon as possible.
Entries are now closed.
Best regards
Andrew Ellis
The 2018 Trials Gala is to be held at the St Albans High School for Girls pool on Saturday, 21st April, 2018 at 7.00pm (Warmup 7.00pm with Start at 7.20pm)
The trials gala is open to children attending primary school within the St Albans District boundary. If you need to check whether your school is within the boundary then refer to the page on the side menu St Albans District Schools.
The gala is used as a basis for selecting the St Albans District team to compete in the Hertfordshire Inter-District Primary Schools Championships on 11th May, 2018 at Watford Woodside.
St Albans won the event in 2017 and was the 4th win in 7 years.
An ASA level 4 license for the gala has been applied for. For those submitting an ASA number on their entry, their times will be submitted to the ASA for publication on the Rankings database.
Acceptance Criteria for entries, Promoters Conditions, Schedule of Events
The deadline for entries is Wednesday 18th April, 2018. Due to the limited capacity of the St Albans High School for Girls pool, StASSA may need to close the entries early . Therefore, please enter as soon as possible.
Entries are now closed.
Best regards
Andrew Ellis